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Rheumatology near me

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares- Strategies for Relief and Prevention

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a condition marked by chronic pain and challenges. It can make everyday activities such as walking or picking up objects significantly more difficult. Additionally, it involves an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and depression.

When pain and other symptoms increase or become more frequent, you may be experiencing an RA flare-up.  RA flare-ups can even occur during day-to-day activities like getting out of bed or holding a cup, resulting in more joint pain than usual. When you avoid managing RA flare-ups, they can cause further damage to your joints, cause other problems in your body, and even make you feel down.

If you need to consult a rheumatology doctor near you, visit Advanced Pain Care. We are one of the most trusted rheumatoid arthritis clinics in Austin, TX, helping thousands of patients experience pain-free lives. Schedule an appointment for the best rheumatology care and support for your condition.

Understanding RA Flares – Symptoms & Causes

Rheumatoid arthritis flares are unpredictable episodes with the following common symptoms:

  • Joint Pain – Rheumatology diseases often cause increased joint pain, making movement more difficult.
  • Swelling – There is noticeable swelling around the affected joints due to inflammation.
  • Stiffness – Flare-ups can result in stiffness, especially in the mornings or after rest periods.
  • Fatigue – Experiencing extreme tiredness and exhaustion, affecting daily activities.
  • Fever – Some instances can come with low-grade fevers, indicating heightened inflammation.
  • Weight Loss – Severe episodes may lead to weight loss due to reduced appetite and increased metabolic activity.
  • Reduced Mobility – Rheumatoid arthritis can significantly reduce joint movement, limiting flexibility.
  • Limited Range of Motion – Episodes of Rheumatoid Arthritis may restrict joint movement, affecting everyday tasks.
  • Limited Range of Motion – RA may restrict joint movement, impacting daily activities.

The exact cause of flare-ups is not fully understood, but several factors can trigger or contribute to them:

  • Stress – Mental stressors and hormonal changes, such as during menstruation or menopause, can worsen RA symptoms. Stress-relief techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and hormone therapy can also be a part of rheumatoid arthritis treatment.
  • Infections – Viral or bacterial infections can activate the immune system, causing rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups. It is important to practice good hygiene, stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines, and treat infections promptly.
  • Overexertion – Too much physical activity, such as intense workouts or repetitive movements, can strain joints and cause inflammation. Balancing activity with rest is crucial.
  • Weather Changes – Cold or damp weather can worsen pain and stiffness for some with RA. Dressing warmly, using heat packs, and staying active indoors can provide relief.
  • Weather Changes – Cold or damp weather can worsen pain and stiffness for some with RA. Wearing warm clothing, applying heat packs, and staying active indoors can provide relief.

Receive the right diagnosis from our experienced rheumatology specialists to thoroughly understand the causes and symptoms of your condition.

Strategies for Immediate Relief During a Flare

To alleviate RA symptoms, rheumatology physicians may employ the following strategies, either individually or in combination. 

1. Medication Management – Specialists prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation, while Corticosteroids, also known as steroids, are suggested during severe inflammation. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) slow the progression of the disease, while biological agents specifically target certain components of the immune system.

2. Physical Therapies – These strategies include joint flexibility exercises, strength training, and occupational therapy, which provides adaptive techniques and recommends assistive devices.

3. Lifestyle Adjustments – This involves balancing rest and activity, protecting joints with tools or splints, maintaining a healthy weight, and using relaxation techniques to manage stress.

4. Heat Therapy – Warm baths relieve muscle tension, while heating pads relieve joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Cold Therapy – Applying cold packs can help reduce inflammation and soothe pain in inflamed joints.

6.  TENS Machines (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators) – These devices use low-voltage electrical pulses to disrupt pain signals, offering portable pain relief for rheumatology conditions.

7. Avoid Inflammatory Foods – Patients should reduce consumption of processed foods and sugars and introduce anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids to their diet.

8. Consider Sleep Apnea Testing Sleep disturbances, including conditions like sleep apnea, can exacerbate RA symptoms and fatigue. Therefore, it’s important to seek the necessary diagnosis and testing promptly.

Wear Splints – A splint supports and stabilizes inflamed joints, reducing pain and preventing deformities. Customized splints provide proper support and comfort.

In addition to these strategies, your doctor may recommend other methods of pain management tailored to your specific needs and condition.

Long-term Prevention Strategies

You can take some simple steps to prevent rheumatology diseases, such as:

1. Medication Adherence and Regular Check-ups – Follow your prescribed medication schedule and see your doctor regularly. Report any symptom changes promptly.

2. Healthy Diet and Nutrition – Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats. Consider a dietitian for a personalized plan.

3. Exercise and Physical Activity– Do gentle exercises regularly to maintain your joint flexibility and muscle strength. Choose activities that you enjoy and that are safe for your condition.

4. Stress Management and Mental Health – Manage stress with meditation or deep breathing techniques. Indulge in recreational activities to relax and unwind. Seek professional help for mental health support if needed.

Always consult a professional for the prevention steps specific to your overall health. At Advanced Pain Care, you can find the “best rheumatology specialist near me” in Austin.

Different Types Of Rheumatic Conditions Treatments Available At Advanced Pain Care

Rheumatoid arthritis treatments primarily involve medications aimed at reducing pain and inflammation and managing the condition. Specific medicines are tailored to treat different conditions; for example, gout is managed with medication that reduces uric acid and corticosteroids, Lyme disease requires antibiotics, and lupus is addressed with anti-malarial drugs. Although most forms of arthritis are chronic, infectious arthritis can be cured with proper medication.

Our rheumatology physicians understand the appropriate care for fibromyalgia and other complex conditions that require a multifaceted treatment approach for effective symptom management.

Additionally, our advanced rheumatology treatments include physical therapy, occupational therapy, hot and cold therapy, exercise, assistive devices, alternative therapies, cognitive behavior therapy, and surgery.

Taking Control of Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Journey with Advanced Pain Care Experts in Austin, TX

Effectively managing RA flare-ups requires integrating medication, lifestyle adjustments, therapies, regular monitoring, and expert guidance. At Advanced Pain Care, our rheumatology doctors provide personalized care, accurate diagnosis, comprehensive treatment plans, and ongoing support to empower patients in managing rheumatoid arthritis effectively.

We help reduce flare-ups, improve quality of life, and manage long-term complications. Book your consultation today!