Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment in Austin, TX
In the United States, trauma, arthritis (or joint) pain, and back pain are the three most common sources of musculoskeletal pain for which people seek medical attention. The number of yearly documented cases of musculoskeletal conditions has surpassed respiratory and circulatory diseases in the U.S., and the large population of elderly Americans experiencing these conditions has put pressure on the healthcare system nationwide.
Musculoskeletal strain can be experienced in one part of the body (such as back or neck pain) or as a widespread pain condition (classified as “fibromyalgia”). Some of the most common parts affected by musculoskeletal pain are the hips, back, shoulders, neck, wrists, knees, legs, and feet.
Pain can be acute and can increase rapidly depending on the musculoskeletal disorder/disease/condition. In some instances, pain can develop over time and last from months to even years. This kind of pain is classified as chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Are you tired of being held back by musculoskeletal discomfort and pain? At Advanced Pain Care, we’re dedicated to helping you find relief and regain your freedom. With our integrated approach, you can experience pain relief and enjoy a better quality of life. Book your consultation to get the best musculoskeletal pain treatment in Austin!
Different Types of Musculoskeletal Disorder
The most common type of musculoskeletal pain is experienced in the lower back, although other common conditions can produce musculoskeletal pain as well. These include:
- Nerve compression pain (due to medical issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tarsal tunnel syndrome)
- Bone pain due to an injury (such as a dislocation, fracture, tumor, hormonal issue, or infection)
- Muscle pain (caused by an infection, injury, autoimmune disorder, spasm, cramp, tumor, etc.
- Tendon or ligament pain due to sprains, strains, muscle pulls, inflammation, etc. (such as tendonitis)
- Widespread pain throughout the body (fibromyalgia)
- Joint pain (due to different types of arthritis)
When Should You See Our Doctor for Musculoskeletal Pain Management
Although the causes of musculoskeletal system disorders can be as simple as bad posture or overuse of certain muscles, there are specific symptoms that can indicate a need to consult your physician immediately. They include:
- Rash in the site of the injury/pain (a bull’s-eye target-shaped rash can be indicative of Lyme’s disease)
- Constant pain for longer than 3 days
- Difficulty in breathing
- Increased pain during activities
- Sudden dizziness
- Unexplained pain
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Sudden gain in weight
- Infrequent urination
- Muscle weakness
- High fever
- Stiffness
In some conditions, the pain seems to originate from a specific part of the body, but the root cause is in another part (known as “referred pain”), such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, or spleen.
Discover rapid and effective musculoskeletal pain relief with our advanced treatment plans and therapies!
Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Diagnosis & Treatment at Advanced Pain Care
To accurately diagnose the musculoskeletal strain and pain, the physicians at Advanced Pain Care will approach the evaluation in the following way:
- Work to understand the actual condition(s) that triggered the pain (injury, illness, etc.) along with the mechanics of the trauma.
- Analyze past medical history (history of injuries/illnesses, medications, morbidities) and review current symptoms in more detail
- Perform a physical examination to understand how symptoms are being expressed. This examination(s) will help your physician understand the location of the pain while narrowing down the range of possible causes and can include:
- Inspect for any deformities, discolorations, or inflammation
- Establish areas of tenderness
- Assess range of motion
- Conduct neurovascular examination
- Conduct additional tests if needed (blood, X-rays, CT scans, and/or M.R.I.s)
Advanced Pain Care provides musculoskeletal pain treatment through its team of specialists from the Pain Management, Rheumatology, and Neurosurgery departments.
Acute musculoskeletal pain should initially be treated with medication to reduce pain and inflammation along with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (the “R.I.C.E.” method)
In the case of an underlying disease/condition, the treatment of musculoskeletal pain is based on the location and severity of the pain and any additional conditions, diseases, or complications being experienced by the patient. Treatment options for musculoskeletal pain include:
- In the case of fibromyalgia, medications to increase neurotransmitters in the brain to help modulate sleep and modify pain responses
- Use of splints, braces, lumbar supports, orthotics, etc.
- Application of heat/ice
- Physical Therapy
- Injections with anti-inflammatory or anesthetic medications
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Musculoskeletal Pain Medications
- Occupational Therapy
- Lifestyle modifications
For those experiencing severe or chronic musculoskeletal pain, surgery is considered the last option. Different surgical procedures used to address musculoskeletal pain include:
- Laminectomy
- Soft tissue and cartilage repair
- Joint replacement
- Arthroscopy
Causes & Symptoms of Musculoskeletal System Disorders
Musculoskeletal pain can affect people of all ages, as the causes of this type of pain are often varied. The leading causes of musculoskeletal pain can be divided into Musculoskeletal disorders and Non-musculoskeletal reasons.
The musculoskeletal specialists at Advanced Pain Care identify 150 different types of musculoskeletal disorders that affect the body structures – bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons.
Primary disorders include:
- Different types of arthritis — osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, gout, etc.
- Fractures, sprains, dislocations, etc. caused by injuries
- Scoliosis and other issues with the bones and joints
- Sarcopenia or muscle loss
- Osteoporosis
Non-musculoskeletal factors also cause pain in the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints, such as:
- Prolonged inactivity (such as a recuperative period after a surgery or illness)
- Tumors that put pressure on the structures of the body
- Infections to the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints
- Overuse of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints
- Infections to the soft tissues
- Side effects of medications
- Lyme’s disease
- Poor posture
The most common symptoms of musculoskeletal system disorders include:
- Pain (experienced in one region of the body or experienced throughout the body)
- Sensations of twitching or burning in the muscles
- Muscle pain and stiffness
- Aches in the entire body
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Disturbances in sleep
- Fatigue
In some, the pain may be experienced along neural pathways and can be experienced as a burning sensation. With this condition, often simple movements (such as stretching) can increase levels of pain
Get a one-on-one consultation with experts at Advanced Pain Care to understand your condition’s causes and signs thoroughly.
Risk Factors & Complications Associated With Musculoskeletal Pain
Several factors that increase the chances of developing musculoskeletal system disorders, such as:
- Repetitive movements involving specific parts of the body
- Increased pressure on particular regions/organs of the body
- Improper workplace ergonomics
- Forceful or jerky movements
- Long periods of inactivity
- Poor posture
Musculoskeletal disorders or injuries often produce impairing chronic pain, although they are rarely life-threatening. A proper evaluation and treatment plan are recommended to ensure there are no further complications associated with a musculoskeletal pain condition. Common complications include:
- Acute kidney injury due to any musculoskeletal trauma that releases myoglobin into the system
- Acute compartment syndrome due to pressure caused by internal bleeding or inflammation
- Skeletal system trauma
- Internal torso injuries
- Soft tissue trauma
Patient Testimonials
“Dr. Adams is the best. I highly recommend seeing this provider. The Austin and Bastrop locations are awesome, and the staff is knowledgeable and caring. I travel from Houston to continue seeing my doctor. It’s worth it.“
— Callison Family
“I would love to point out that Alyssa and Beth at Advanced Pain Care in Texas make you feel cared about and treat you so well it’s a pleasure to go to the doctor’s office when the people who work there are so.“
— Tanya Barker
What Precautions Should be Taken to Prevent Musculoskeletal Pain?
Preventing musculoskeletal pain when the underlying causes are not a disease or disorder can be simple. Several steps can be taken to avoid musculoskeletal pain from occurring, including:
Also, remember to seek early intervention and medical assistance to ensure a condition does not worsen and lead to additional symptoms and pain.
Get Medications & Relief for Musculoskeletal Pain at Advanced Pain Care in Austin, TX
Living with musculoskeletal pain can be physically and emotionally draining, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Advanced Pain Care specializes in personalized musculoskeletal pain management, accurately treating the root cause of your discomfort.
We aim to help you live your best life by using proven methods and caring support so you can overcome pain and its restrictions. Schedule a same-day or next-day appointment with the pain management specialists at Advanced Pain Care.
How long can musculoskeletal pain last?
A: Our specialists have observed musculoskeletal strain lasting from several days to several years or more, depending on the underlying disorder/disease and treatment(s) provided. Acute pain often resolves itself quickly, while pain lasting for several months would be classified as “chronic.”
Q: What kinds of doctors treat musculoskeletal pain?
A: Depending on the diagnosis, Advanced Pain Care may also provide musculoskeletal pain treatment by pain management physicians, rheumatologists, and neurosurgeons.
Q: What are examples of musculoskeletal pain?
A: Lower back pain is the most common type of musculoskeletal pain, but there are other types, including bone pain from injuries or conditions like dislocations, fractures, tumors, hormonal issues, or infections. Joint pain can arise from various types of arthritis, while widespread pain throughout the body characterizes fibromyalgia. Muscle pain may result from disorders, injuries, autoimmune disorders, spasms, cramps, or tumors. Nerve compression pain can occur due to conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Our specialists complete all necessary diagnostic tests and evaluations to understand the type of musculoskeletal disorder you have accurately.
Q: What does musculoskeletal pain feel like?
A: In some musculoskeletal pain types, discomfort may follow nerve paths and feel like a burning sensation, worsened even by simple movements like stretching. Common symptoms include pain (localized or widespread), fatigue, sleep problems, muscle twitching or burning sensations, overall body aches, joint stiffness, and muscle pain.
Q: How do you get rid of musculoskeletal pain?
A: Advanced Pain Care treats musculoskeletal pain disorders through a variety of approaches, depending on the underlying causes and duration of pain. Treatment options range from non-invasive methods like splints, braces, heat/ice application, physical therapy, and medication use (including NSAIDs and pain medications) to more invasive measures like injections and surgery. Lifestyle modifications and occupational therapy are often incorporated. Musculoskeletal pain medications targeting neurotransmitters may be used for conditions like fibromyalgia. Surgery, such as laminectomy, soft tissue repair, joint replacement, or arthroscopy, is considered for severe or chronic cases when conservative treatments fail.
Q: What are some examples of musculoskeletal disorders?
A: Over a hundred musculoskeletal disorders can affect different body parts and cause pain. Common disorders include various types of arthritis (such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis), lupus, gout, osteoporosis, muscle loss (sarcopenia), bone and joint issues like scoliosis, and injuries resulting in fractures, sprains, or dislocations. Timely diagnosis and pain management by Advanced Pain Care doctors can provide relief.