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Spinal Stenosis Pain Treatment in Austin, TX


In the United States, approximately 250,000–500,000 exhibit symptoms of spinal stenosis annually. It is estimated that this condition will increase by about 18 million in the next decade in the United States alone.

Spinal stenosis pain and other related symptoms are primarily age-related and caused by the natural wear and tear of the body as well as conditions such as osteoarthritis. With the onset of spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spaces in the spine is known to occur, which in turn increases the pressure on the nerves that pass through the spine. This condition, where the nerves get pinched and compressed, can cause severe to excruciating pain in the lower back (lumbar) and neck (cervical) region. Lumbar spinal stenosis can cause pseudoclaudication or neurological claudication i.e., pain and weakness in the lower extremities caused by pinched nerves.

Looking for a consultation with a reliable “spinal stenosis specialist near me?” The team of doctors at Advanced Pain Care combines years of experience with a passion for providing the highest standard of care to every patient. We prioritize your comfort and well-being with the best spinal stenosis treatment. Book your appointment now!

Spinal Stenosis: How Does It Cause Pain

The narrowing of the spaces in the spine places intense pressure not only on the spinal cord but also on the nerve roots that exit each point in the vertebrae. Spinal stenosis pain often manifests as a feeling of numbness, weakness, a tingling sensation, or the loss of control over bladder/bowel functions. The level of pain experienced can range from mild to severe.. In some cases, it has also been reported that some people do not feel any pain at all, but rather weakness of strength.

Depending on where the pain of spinal stenosis is manifested, there are two main classifications:

  • Lumbar Canal Stenosis — The narrowing of the spinal column occurs in the lower back or lumbar region.
  • Cervical Spinal Stenosis — The narrowing of the spinal column occurs in the spinal column in the neck or cervix.

When Should You See Our Doctor?

If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, please see a doctor right away as you could be suffering from spinal stenosis.

  • Problems with gait and balance
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction
  • Numbness in the limbs
  • Weakness in the limbs
  • Need to relieve the pressure on the lower back
  • Trouble walking or climbing
  • Severe pain in limbs

In some cases, especially those related to cauda equina syndrome, these symptoms can represent a medical emergency that requires immediate attention by a medical professional like a spinal stenosis surgeon.

Diagnosis & Treatment of Spinal Stenosis Pain at Advanced Pain Care

Spinal Stenosis Diagnosis

When visiting a spine or pain management specialist at Advanced Pain Care, we will diagnose your condition after a 3-step evaluation process:

  • Medical history including symptoms and genetic predispositions
  • Physical examination to observe the range of motion of the spine and limbs, the path of the pain, reflexes, the different sensations of numbness and tingling, rotation of the neck, etc.
  • Medical imaging such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT Myelograms may be conducted. While X-rays are useful for detecting bone spurs and overgrowths, MRIs are used to detect the exact location of nerve compression and the presence of tumors. CT Myelograms can detect bone spurs, tumors, and herniated discs.

Spinal Stenosis Treatment

The treatment plan proposed by an Advanced Pain Care physician or pain management specialist will depend on the location of the pain and severity of the symptoms. The treatment plan could include the following:

1. Medication

As a first line of treatment, the main goal of your pain management specialist at Advanced Pain Care will be to reduce the pain and give you a better quality of life.

Common Spinal Stenosis Medications:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. In some cases muscle relaxants, and prescription level pain relievers may be prescribed.

2. Physical Therapy

A therapy plan with a trained physical therapist includes:

  • Physical therapy to strengthen the core, spine, back, and related muscles to increase flexibility and stability
  • Exercises to improve gait
  • Massages

3. Non-Surgical Intervention

Non-surgical intervention can be done in the form of:

  • Corticosteroid injections in the region where the nerves are compressed to reduce the swelling and pain. This is called an epidural steroid injection or ESI.

4. Surgical Intervention

Spinal stenosis surgery could vary from simple outpatient procedures to more complex forms.

Percutaneous image-guided lumbar decompression is performed as an outpatient procedure to remove a portion of the lamina and reduce the pressure on the nerves. As a procedure requiring no stitches, recovery is quite quick, with many patients returning home in a matter of hours and beginning physical therapy soon thereafter.

Common Causes & Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

Let’s first understand the structure of the spine.

The spine or “backbone” connects the basic framework of the body from the cervical or the neck to the lumbar or lower back region. The spine is composed of bones that form a canal-like structure called the spinal canal, which protects the nerves or cords that run through the spinal canal.

In rare cases, people have been known to be born with a small spinal canal. This is known to be a congenital defect and is termed congenital stenosis. This inherited condition is known in medical terminology as short-pedicle syndrome. In most cases, spinal stenosis is a condition that is a result of aging or injury.

Based on the above, causes of spinal stenosis pain and other symptoms can be classified into two primary categories:

  • Primary — Primary spinal stenosis is a congenital condition known as congenital stenosis or short pedicle syndrome.
  • Acquired — Acquired spinal stenosis develops as a result of the natural process of aging/physical wear that can cause the onset of degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by an injury or an accident. Its prevalence is higher among people above the age of 50; however, it can occur at any age depending on the underlying cause.

Causes of Spinal Stenosis

Following are some of the most common causes of spinal stenosis:

  • Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Disc Disease This condition causes wear and tear of the spinal structure along with depleting and drying out the supporting parts such as the cartilage. It can also aggravate and develop growths or bone spurs, which grow into the spinal column, compressing the nerves in the spine.
  • Bone Diseases — One of the reasons for the overgrowing of the bone into the spinal column can also be Paget’s disease, a chronic autoimmune inflammatory condition that affects bone reabsorption. This causes the bones to become fragile and increases the chances of overgrowth.
  • Injuries/Accidents — Any trauma that is caused to the spinal column can, in turn, manifest as bone dislocations or fractures, which may cause moderate to severe damage to the spinal column.
  • Tumors — The growth of tumors inside the spinal structure can also compress the nerves in the region and result in spinal stenosis.
  • Herniated Discs — The spinal disc may present small fractures in its exterior or with the flattening/drying of the cartilage that cushions the vertebrae. In both cases, the nerves can get compressed, causing pain.
  • Bulging Ligaments — The bones of the spinal canal are held together by cords, which can thicken over time and bulge into the spinal canal.
  • Post-Operative Side Effects — The inflammation that can occur post-back surgeries can put pressure on the spinal cord or the nerves.

Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

The characteristic narrowing of the spinal canal, which causes the condition known as spinal stenosis, is a slowly progressing process. The symptoms of the condition may not manifest at the onset and even when they do, they may vary based on the individual and the region where spinal stenosis occurs.

The most common areas where spinal stenosis can occur are the lumbar and cervical regions.

Spinal stenosis of the lumbar or the lower back region may manifest as any of the following symptoms:

  • Dull, aching pain or tenderness can be felt in the lower back (axial pain).
  • A sensation of pain can range from mild to moderate or even be experienced as a burning one.
  • A painful sensation can begin in the buttocks and extend to the feet. This pain is also known as sciatica or radicular pain.
  • A feeling of weakness, heaviness, numbness, or tingling in the lower limbs can come and go (pseudo-claudication).
  • Increase in pain while walking or standing for a longer duration.
  • Decrease in pain while sitting or when in a slightly bent position.

Cervical spinal stenosis may manifest as any of the following symptoms:

  • Neck pain along with stiffness and tenderness
  • Numbness or tingling in the upper extremities
  • Loss of simple bodily functions such as writing
  • Loss of body stability

Some Complications That Can Arise Due to Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis, in its more severe form, can show up as neurological deficits such as cauda equina syndrome (which occurs in the case of lumbar spinal stenosis), radiculopathy, or myelopathy. Chronic pain and motor weakness could develop when lumbar and cervical spinal stenosis are not treated at the onset. Dexterity, gait, balance, and grip strength may be initially affected and then lead to other more severe symptoms.

When the nerves or the spinal cord are compressed for a long time and timely medical intervention is not sought, complications such as myelopathy and the loss of control over bladder/bowel function can lead to potentially dangerous consequences. Though rare, permanent numbness or paralysis and even death can occur if the severe symptoms are ignored and not treated.

Patient Testimonials

I live in chronic pain daily which can be mentally and physically exhausting. I love coming to my appointments. My Dr. Laura is the best. She takes time to explain everything to me. I absolutely love Megan the checkout girl and as the Manager, I think her name is Ginger, she is the best. She always makes me feel like a part of a family! If you are looking for caring pain care go to Georgetown! I love them all there!

— Oldie Butgoodie

Always helpful, friendly staff. I love Stephanie. They’ve helped me do more than just drag myself through my day. I’m not out of pain but they’ve helped me be able to enjoy my family and be able to work so I can pay my bills. I’m not grouchy, short-tempered, huddled in the corner anymore. Thanks, guys.

— Pamela Bell

When is Surgery Required & What Happens After Spinal Surgery?

While the onset of the cauda equina syndrome qualifies as an immediate surgical emergency, if there is a steady progression in your symptoms, your physician may recommend surgery.

The most effective way of treating spinal stenosis via surgery is to relieve the pressure on the nerves or the spinal cord. Some of the most effective surgical procedures include:

  1. Laminotomy — a portion of the vertebrae or lamina is removed to relieve the pressure.
  2. Laminectomy — a complete removal of the lamina to relieve pressure in the spinal column. Your surgeon may also need to perform spinal fusion to maintain the strength and stability of the spine with this procedure.
  3. Laminoplasty — This is performed in the vertebrae of the cervix to create space in the spinal canal and relieve the pressure on the nerves.
  4. Interspinous Process Spacers — A minimally invasive procedure, where “spacers” are inserted between the bones in the vertebrae to create space in the spinal canal. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This procedure is also commonly referred to as “The Vertiflex Procedure.”

Before the spinal stenosis surgery is scheduled, your surgeon will ask you to begin preparing for it. This could include beginning a regular schedule of exercise and following a healthy diet to speed up post-operative recovery as well as stopping nicotine and alcohol consumption.

Post-operative do’s and don’ts:

  1. If you have had a percutaneous image-guided lumbar decompression, you will be sent home in a few hours and will require regular follow-up visits as well as physical therapy.
  2. In case of a laminectomy, you will be discharged after a maximum of 48 hours; however, in case of a spinal fusion, the stay could extend to 5 days.
  3. Depending on your overall health condition as well as how well you have recovered, you may be asked to go into a rehabilitation facility to recuperate completely.
  4. You may be asked to wear a neck or a back brace and given medications for the pain and inflammation.
  5. You will be asked to start light exercises and self-care remedies.
  6. Regular follow-up visits along with evaluation tests will be scheduled.
  7. Your recovery after surgery depends on the surgery you have had and how well you have progressed in your physical therapy. As a rule of thumb, complete recovery and return to normal activities could take a maximum of 3 months. In case a spinal fusion procedure has also been performed, your return to work could take a few weeks. For all other procedures, the time taken to recuperate at home is much less.

What Are the Risks of Surgery?

As is the case with all surgeries, there are some risks associated with spinal stenosis surgery. These could include:

  • Tear in the membranes near the spinal canal
  • Persistent pain
  • Nerve injury or deterioration
  • Blood clots
  • Problems with the implants
  • Bleeding
  • Failure of the bone to heal
  • Reaction to anesthesia
  • Infection
  • No relief of the symptoms

Before you schedule the surgery, ask your surgeon the following questions to prevent any possible post-surgery risks:

  • What are symptoms or red flags that may indicate that something is wrong?
  • Are there any potential risks or complications associated with my procedure?

Risk Factors That Increase the Chances of Spinal Stenosis Incidence

Spinal stenosis affects those above the age of 50 or those with a congenital predisposition to the disease. In some cases, trauma, injury, or accidents can expedite the onset of spinal stenosis. Apart from age and genetics, several lifestyle-related factors can also expedite the condition. These include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle with zero or low levels of activity
  • Improper nutrition
  • Poor posture
  • Alcoholism
  • Obesity
  • Smoking

Precautions: To Avoid the Severe Onset of Spinal Stenosis

The onset of spinal stenosis pain cannot be completely prevented, especially if it is caused by the natural process of aging. Ensuring good spinal health can help reduce the symptoms and the progression of the condition. The following steps can help you to improve your spinal health:

Avoid all intoxicants, including smoking and alcohol.

Be moderately active and exercise regularly.

Maintain good posture.

Take a balanced diet.

Additionally, depending on whether you have lumbar or cervical spinal stenosis, wearing a brace and making simple changes in your posture while sitting, walking, and exercising can be helpful.

Speak to a spinal stenosis doctor at Advanced Pain Care to improve your spinal health.

Choose Advanced Pain Care Surgeons to Get Relief from Spinal Stenosis Pain in Austin, TX

With more than 20 years of experience, Advanced Pain Care offers exceptional care for effectively managing your pain, including specialized approaches for spinal stenosis pain treatment. Our commitment to providing excellent pain care ensures personalized treatment plans just for you. We focus on thorough care and use advanced methods and technology to treat various pain conditions. Moreover, we believe everyone should have access to quality pain management. So, we offer flexible payment options and convenient appointment scheduling to prioritize your comfort and convenience. Call 512-244-4272 to speak to our pain management specialists.


Q: Where is the pain with spinal stenosis?

A: The most common regions where pain is experienced with spinal stenosis are the spine and extremities. At Advanced Pain Care, our spinal stenosis surgeons offer personalized care to manage spinal stenosis pain with the most suitable treatment options for your condition.

Q: What is the best treatment for spinal stenosis?

A: There is no complete cure for spinal stenosis. However, our spinal stenosis treatment can help manage your pain and symptoms, offering both surgical and non-surgical treatments for severe cases of spinal stenosis.

Q: Is spinal stenosis a permanent disability?

A: Though rare, severe symptoms like weakness, numbness, tingling, and loss of bladder/bowel control, if left untreated, can lead to permanent numbness, paralysis, or even death. Rest assured, getting timely diagnosis and management with our spinal stenosis doctors can help to ensure the restoration of your mobility and minimize the risk of serious complications.  

Q: What happens if spinal stenosis is left untreated?

A: When nerves or the spinal cord are compressed long-term without medical intervention, complications like nerve damage and loss of bladder/bowel control can have serious consequences. At Advanced Pain Care, we have the expertise and resources to treat your symptoms with personalized care options quickly.

Q: Can spinal stenosis be reversed or completely cured?

A: Spinal stenosis has no cure and cannot be reversed. However, our physicians can help manage spinal stenosis pain and symptoms using surgical and/or non-surgical interventions. Other basic preventive measures like staying active, maintaining good posture, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and eating a balanced diet can also slow progression and relieve pain.

Q: Can spinal stenosis heal on its own?

A: Spinal stenosis caused by genetic defects or age-related wear and tear cannot heal independently. However, the doctors at Advanced Pain Care can guide you with spinal stenosis medication self-care therapies, physical therapy, and basic medications to relieve pain and other symptoms.

Q: Can spinal stenosis occur in more than one area of the spine simultaneously?

A: Yes. At times, spinal stenosis may manifest in both the lumbar and cervical regions. This condition is known as tandem stenosis. Our accurate diagnostic care helps identify and address different types of stenosis effectively.

Q: What other medical problems are like spinal stenosis and are often confused with each other?

A: Some medical conditions such as neuropathy, ankylosing spondylitis, and peripheral artery disease can be mistaken for spinal stenosis. Advanced Pain Care utilizes the latest medical advancements for accurate evaluation and effective spinal stenosis pain care, including diagnostic imaging and minimally-invasive procedures.

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Are You Experiencing Pain?

If you are experiencing any back pain or stiffness, call Advanced Pain Care at 512-244-4272 to schedule an appointment with one of our pain care and management specialists.

We have a range of pain management treatment options available right from surgical interventions to non-invasive and minimally invasive treatment options. Our team will work with you to develop a pain management plan based on the severity of your condition.