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Chronic Pain

Do you know someone dealing with chronic pain, or do you experience it yourself? Chronic aches differ from acute pain, which is often caused by injuries or illnesses and can be resolved by treating the underlying cause.  Chronic pain, on the other hand, persists for three months or longer, often without a clear reason. This continuing pain doesn’t go away quickly and can significantly disrupt daily activities, work, and personal relationships. Both patients and healthcare providers must understand this condition's roots for effective management and treatment. But is chronic pain hereditary? Studies have shown that genetics can influence the likelihood of

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 50 million adults in the United States experience chronic pain(1). This kind of pain can have a life-changing impact on people. Over time, the pain can take away the enjoyment of everyday activities, from work to family life. Experiencing chronic pain can be depressing. It can interfere with relationships, and can make sufferers angry or withdrawn. However, there are several coping strategies to help you manage your pain. Numerous studies(2) have revealed that chronic pain is heavily influenced by how our brain processes pain signals. The brain can also learn

Everyone experiences occasional pain due to several factors, such as occupation, inappropriate postures, injuries, etc. However, when that pain affects our ability to function or grows more severe, it's time to consult a pain management doctor. Pain lasting for months or even years is termed chronic pain. Sometimes, it does not subside even after multiple treatment approaches. When all non-surgical treatments have been exhausted, pain specialists recommend a special nerve stimulation therapy known as spinal cord stimulation or neurostimulation. A spinal cord stimulator uses electrical pulses to disguise pain signals before they reach the brain, making it an effective solution for

We all experience occasional pain at some point, owing to a number of factors like - occupation, improper postures, injuries, and so on. Even though we continue to cope with various pain issues and live normally, it not always possible to deal with all of them on our own; especially those that hamper our ability to perform basic physical movements such as walking, standing, running, etc. If you’re experiencing persistent pain in your body, and face difficulties in doing your everyday tasks, this could be an indication of a chronic pain condition. It is different from the usual and temporary type