Advanced Pain Care’s behavioral health specialists are here to help create your customized treatment program.
Behavioral health, as defined by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Sevices Administration (SAMSHA), is the promotion of mental well-being and often includes support for substance use disorders. Programs include a broad spectrum of treatment options, ranging from depression treatment to intervention and support in changing eating, drinking, and substance use habits.
The Advanced Pain Care Behavioral Health program includes a brief clinical interview with the patient to determine, specifically, whether or not the patient is experiencing depression, anxiety, fear and avoidance behaviors that may impact the patient’s pain and the potential for prescription abuse.
Our interview will also assist in determining whether or not the patient understands the purpose of and the appropriate use of medications, and compliance with physician recommendations.
The interview also gives information on the patient’s view of the rehabilitation process and their perception of the likelihood of recovery. We determine whether the patient is focused on pain, how they deal with it and if they are emotionally distressed (depressed and/or anxious). With this information, our behavioral health team can design a specialized, effective treatment plan for each patient and help the staff identify the patients that are most likely to benefit from multidisciplinary services in conjunction with their medical treatment.