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Pain Management

By Dr. Brad Culling People often use chronic pain and chronic pain syndrome synonymously, and for good reason. In both cases, patients have been suffering from life-debilitating pain for at least three months to be technically diagnosed with chronic pain.  However, in some cases, chronic pain develops into something so severe that it begins to affect the emotional and mental well-being. When a patient’s pain causes them to develop depression, anxiety, or hopelessness, their condition has evolved into chronic pain syndrome. According to the CDC, at least 20% of Americans suffer from chronic pain, and from experience, we estimate around 50% of those

By Advanced Pain Care If you're one of the many post-op back surgery patients who continue to feel persistent pain and still experience limitation, then know this:  You are not alone, and your symptoms are not uncommon.  Many patients like yourself, suffer from "Failed Back Surgery Syndrome" (FBSS).  FBSS is a condition characterized by chronic pain following back or neck surgery. Common symptoms include:  Diffuse, dull, aching pain involving your back, lower legs, neck, or arms. Sharp, stinging pain as well as pins and needles sensations. Painful numbness or increased sensitivity. Several factors can cause this persistent pain, including residual or recurrent disc herniation, persistent pressure on a