As with most medications, you can take too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) or NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen. Taking extra dosage does not actually make the drug more effective and may result in severe side effects on your body or may result in death, too.
Even if they are both over-the-counter drugs, you should still consult your doctor or pharmacist to understand the recommended dosage for each drug. The dosage may vary based on your age, weight, and how much you have already taken throughout the day. You also want to ensure you are consulting your doctor or pharmacist when you are taking other medications or may be pregnant. Taking NSAIDs while pregnant can harm the fetus, so you want to ensure your doctor can give you alternatives for your pain.
Are you looking for the best and the safest way to experience pain relief? The pain management specialists at Advanced Pain Care (in Austin, TX) can help you relive a pain-free life. With proven world-class pain management solutions, we follow a thorough approach with modern techniques to treat different levels of pain.
We also help patients meet their specific medication needs with pharmaceutical compounding. Our Advanced Rx Pharmacy is dedicated to formulating medicines, ointments, syrups, capsules, gels and other forms of specialized healthcare items that are free from dyes, preservatives, alcohol, and/or sugar.
Tylenol is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. You should not exceed more than 3,000 milligrams per day. Even if you suffer from chronic pain, you should see your doctor to determine how much Tylenol is appropriate to take and how often you should take it.
The best advice is to follow the instructions on the label, given acetaminophen comes in different dosages and is mixed with other different medications. Because of this, Tylenol is the most common drug to overdose on. It is so easy to accidentally take multiple products containing acetaminophen, especially if you are taking several cold and flu medications.
The dedicated doctors at Advanced Pain Care assess the complete health condition of the patients to avoid any contraindications. Our pain treatment is appropriately planned to prescribe the right drug dosage along with other pain management techniques such as physical therapy, minimally invasive surgeries, behavioral health, and more.
Tylenol taken in excess causes liver damage. The most common side effects of an overdose are nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, and headache.
If you are experiencing a rash, itching, or swelling on your face, tongue, or throat, you should seek medical attention immediately. You should also seek medical attention if you are experiencing severe dizziness or difficulty breathing.
NSAIDs can be an effective drug for reducing inflammation in chronic or severe pain or in those who are suffering from inflammation due to infection. However, they tend to have more contraindications compared with Tylenol or those in the acetaminophen family, especially for those who suffer from stomach ulcers or bleeding or have high blood pressure.
Unless directed otherwise by a doctor, NSAIDs should not be used for more than three days as a fever reducer and ten days or less for pain care.
You should check the instruction labels for the proper dosage because maximum doses vary depending on the type of NSAID you are taking. On average, you should not exceed the maximum dose on the label unless your doctor has prescribed otherwise.
NSAIDs can have mild to severe gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach ulcers, or bleeding. You should not mix prescription NSAIDs with over-the-counter ones because it could cause or even worsen the side effects.
See your doctor immediately if you start to experience black or tarry stools or any blood or material that looks like coffee grounds in your stool. It is even possible to experience changes in your hearing or vision. You should also seek immediate medical attention if you notice these changes.
NSAID overdose can lead to heart problems so severe that you could possibly suffer from stroke or heart attack, so it’s extremely important to avoid mixing NSAIDs and taking them for prolonged periods of time.
You can take Tylenol and NSAIDs together, which may provide better relief for your pain or even further reduce side effects from fever. However, to lower the possible side effects you may experience, it is recommended to alternate between each medication. Taking them together should be a rare occurrence. If you plan on taking them together, it is especially important to be extra vigilant on the dosage so you don’t take more than the recommended amount by accident.
Neither Tylenol nor NSAIDs are safer than the other. Both have potential side effects, and both can be abused and cause severe effects on the body. When you are considering taking either, you should consider what symptoms you are experiencing and take the drug that best treats those symptoms, rather than overmedicating on one, the other, or both to try to relieve your symptoms as quickly as possible.
If your symptoms persist with no relief from either medication, you should see your pain care doctor, who can prescribe something more effective or run tests to get a proper diagnosis.
At Advanced Pain Care, you receive the best pain treatment and management for a variety of pain conditions, such as:
- Back Pain
- Cancer Pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Hip Pain
- Interventional Pain Management
- Migraine and Headache
- Musculoskeletal Pain
- Neck Pain
- Neuralgia/Neuropathy
- Post-Surgery Pain
- Post-Traumatic Pain
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain
- Sciatica Pain
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Spinal Stenosis Pain
Our pain care specialists are dedicated to improving your quality of life through advanced pain management techniques. We have our clinics throughout Central Texas to make the best pain treatments available to as many patients as possible. Consult our doctors today to manage your pain effectively!