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Author: Advanced Pain Care

By Matt Sage, Pharmacist in Charge  Do you feel lost in a sea of customers when you’re trying to get quality service at a big chain pharmacy?  I hope you’ll consider visiting us at Advanced Rx Pharmacy instead. We offer a level of personal care that keeps our customers happy they made the switch. There’s a lot to be proud of at Advanced Rx, but I’ve picked a couple of customer favorites to highlight for you. Before we dive in, you should know this: You don’t have to be an Advanced Pain Care patient to visit our pharmacy. Next time you’re running errands, stop by

By Dr. Scott Welsh Your knee has a piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between your shinbone and your thigh bone. It’s called a meniscus.  Since most of us rely on our knees to perform a variety of activities, you can imagine how easy it might be to tear your meniscus. A torn meniscus can result from any activity that involves twisting or rotating your knee — even kneeling, deep squatting, and heavy lifting. Who’s At Risk for Meniscus Tears? The most common meniscus tears happen in athletes involved in contact sports (like football) or pivoting sports (like snow skiing, basketball, soccer, and

By Chester Jones, APC Patient Ambassador I want to help you achieve lasting pain relief and the ability to stop using painkillers. Those are my goals for you. Those were my own goals and Advanced Pain Care got me there.  But as a veteran, it was a long journey for me. I spent years trying so many things that didn’t work — I felt like a pincushion. APC gave me the right kind of pain care and now I am basically painkiller free. Regardless of whether you’re a veteran or not, I want to help you find lasting relief as soon as possible. Why Pain

By Allison Turner, DNP, FNP-C We understand your frustration. Enduring complicated medical procedures, taking multiple medications, only to experience minimal pain relief. You may think living in pain is just life. For Crystal, a 52-year-old with chronic low back pain and knee pain in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis, that’s the conclusion she was approaching.  Even with a 12-year-old spinal cord stimulator for her back pain, multiple medications, and recent knee replacement surgery, Crystal only had moderate pain improvement. Adding to her frustration was pressure from medical professionals to continue trying invasive surgical procedures. She was also faced with the revelation that she might require

By: Tracy Malone I felt horrible and helpless watching my husband, Dr. Mark Malone, go through intense, chronic pain 24 hours a day. At the time, we had a new business, and we were struggling like any new business owners, and you wonder; does he just want to check out? Does he just want to not think about all of this for a little bit? Around this time, I was very worried about his health. He was rapidly losing weight, that was scary to see.  We had financial worries. At one point, we were living on disability checks and credit cards. I worried about

By: Dr. Victor Taylor Inversion therapy is a relatively inexpensive way to apply traction to the spine and helps to manage chronic spinal and radicular pain.  This type of treatment can aid in the treatment of lumbar, thoracic, and even neck pain. A significant component of chronic pain is related to poor biomechanics, or loss of ideal movement.  Inversion therapy can aid one important component of poor spinal biomechanics.  What does that mean?  Biomechanics simply refers to how our bodies move. How we walk, run, lift, sit etc.  When biomechanics are off because of a problem in a joint, with a muscle or tendon